Monday, April 2, 2007

Goa Scooters

While in the tourist town of Goa, the four of us rented motorized scooters and rode around the countryside. I don't hesitate to say that that scooter ride was one of the most dangerous and insane things I have ever done. I had never driven any sort of motorcycle or scooter before, we didn't wear helmets, we drove on the opposite side of the street (as they do in India), and my co-workers left me in the dust as I struggled to keep up. My scooter did not idle well, and twice the engine died as I waited at an intersection. Reaching our hotel after a 2-hour ride was welcome relief. "There is NO way that riding a motorcyle in the States is more difficult than that!" I said as I parked my scooter. On the left is our coworker from the Sage India office, Shalini Singh. In the center is my boss, Steve Martin, the director of production. I'm in the white shirt.

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